Conference Programme: Celebrating the good news today: Manifesting the message in the new millennium

The early Christians had a great enthusiasm. They were buoyed by the message of the gospels, by the newness of the call of love and service which transcended all boundaries of state, tribe and class. Many, of course, had received the message from those who had actually seen the Messiah. This enthusiastic community was given tire task or mission of bringing the message to all the people of the world so that all women and men could enjoy fullness of life.

Has this happened in Ireland? Do people perceive the Christian community as a body bringing new life in all our aspects of living in die 21st century? What has happened over the last 2000 years? "Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." Do we feel so blessed? Some wonderful insights have been bequeathed to the modern followers of Christ - unsurpassable writings, rich liturgies and profound forms of prayer and worship have been our legacy and occasional experience.

But it seems that those who are primarily entrusted with the passing on and the nurturing of the message may, in effect, be weighed down. Have the structures become ponderous? Do you feel that" the yoke is easy and the burden is light"? - literally and metaphorically. Has the simplicity, thespiritual eclat deserted us? How do we perceive this? Are there ways to restore the shine, celebrate the message and live the call? There may be some new approaches within the structures, among the people of God. Is there an invitation to co-operate?

There must be ways to give encouragement to all and to appeal to the X generation. This is a time for boldness, not a time for waiting for tilings to happen, but rather for doing things. Initiatives must now be taken.

The Conference invites you to discuss liiese issues. You are invited both to listen and participate. The question of the role of POB AL will be discussed. Your views will be more than welcome.


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